Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Trails :)

Hello friends, family, acquaintances, complete strangers and their friends too....Welcome to our blog!!!

A little background info....Tiffany & Stephanie are best friends and as fate should have it, are currently BOTH unemployed. So what else are two single girls supposed to do with their time then to drive across the country and have the adventure of a lifetime!  (picture Thelma & Louise, without the dramatic suicide ending)

Our blog will be set up for you to check out where we've been but you'll have to check back to see where we will be going:) 

Stay tuned to find out where in the world are the X Country Girls!

Hope you enjoy our blog! Don't forget to check out and donate to the Thelma & Louise food fund. Here you can donate any dollar amount to help us eat, sleep, or post bail:) We appreciate any donation and will personally give you a shout out on our blog & a free t-shirt (we know this guy-- ).

Thanks so much for checking out our blog and supporting our crazy idea. 

Much Love!

Keep on truckin' :)
the X Country Girls